
Back to Home Common Strategies Sell Put

Sell Put

#safebull , Strategy

Pixarts Trade August 9, 2023 07:05 PM

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Market View -Mildly Bullish The Trade -Sell a Put Option Premium – Receive, Generally if carried forward, it show it as extra margin next day. Margin – Required When To Do Pros Cons Time and Volatility

Market View -Mildly Bullish

The Trade -Sell a Put Option

Premium – Receive, Generally if carried forward, it show it as extra margin next day.

Margin – Required

When To Do

  • If the stock/index will not go down – that is i) stays still, ii) small or big up move or iii) a very small down move
  • Avoid selling when IV is low


  • Make money even if you are slightly wrong, that is the stock moves down a bit


  • Very high loss if market crashes

Time and Volatility

  • Gains time value every day
  • loses if IV goes up

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