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An Adventure in Nagaland

Adventure , Blogs , Life

Runard6 February 5, 2024 10:29 AM

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“And as it always happens with men with honor and their plans- a last minute adjustment with family duty and office callings, ended up booking flight” ..[..]

:: It all started with Meren’s Wedding Invitation, an invitation that’s too good to miss. A friend known from our Engineering days, and getting married now- when we are already half past our prime and became honorable fathers(most of us) now. It’s an invitation too good to miss.

Our planning to visit Dimapur, the wedding destination of our friend, begins with exploring the various means of transport to reach the destination on time. And as it always happens with men with honor(family man) and their plans- a last minute adjustment with family duty and office callings, ended up booking last minute flight from Guwahati to Dimapur. And of course, as it was meant to happen, the only two brave men left to try, dared to board the last minute flight from Guwahati to Dimapur. Of all that’s only me and Jamsey, who made it to the flight.

At Dimapur Airport the man himself, Mr. Shira, I call him a future of Garo Politics”.

Jamsey and Me finally boarded the Air India flight to Dimapur. Right from meeting him at Shoolin Grand, to landing at Dimapur was a fun time- goofing up each other with teenage vibes, – the two fully grown half aged men in grey and over burdened bellies. But nonetheless, emotions of us two could not be contained, especially, meeting and catching up with a very good old friend, and chatting and recalling about those college days. And we were shamelessly young again.

Landed in Dimapur after few minutes of jostling in the air, and few, the turbulence of wind, and at last landed safe and sound. And our great host Wati, the great, had agreed and committed to greet us the Airport, a night before, and planned the whole schedule. And knowing him from Engineering days, we had little less hope of actually being greeted at Airport and we thought achcha chalo he is a man now, may have changed over time- you know what!, he didn’t turn up – as expected.

Somehow, Meren’s Groom side party managed to pick us up from the Airport, and reached the Pre-wedding Venue. At the venue, long awaited fresh Naga Delicacies at our serving and been honored and privileged to see, a typical Ao Bride’s welcome to the groom’s family, and the best part Meren’s Blush. Amidst those fun and traditional program in progress- A mint green Volkswagen, arrives- the Hero, The Great Wati, as always, a little late but definitely made his presence felt. An old habit never dies, let alone old habit dying hardWati and Time will never confluence together affirmed.

Definitely, Wati, knows how to welcome in style. Just after the pre wedding session, we were expecting to go to Wati’s place, and freshen up and relax after a long way from Shillong. But as it was expected of Wati, he took us for a wild and adventurous night ride and tour of Dimapur City, from Sky Lounge to his various business sites with occasional drinks here and there- and I could make out, our friend, Wati, is a very influential man in Dimapur. And to call it a night he took us to a late night road side snack bar at Duncan Basti. Then we finally arrived at his place or palace to be surprised all the more in the morning.

Wati’s Palace,

He calls it a humble house.

Kitchen Sitting Area.

There is a saying, morning shows the true color, and we were greeted by the big and opulent palace, Wati’s Home, and he had been a magnificent host.

The Wedding Day, Mr. Shira had spent nearly 30K with expensive glasses and suit – suiting fit for a respected Asst. Executive Engineer of PWD. And for this day we gave some flimsy excuses at home- to be relieved from house hold duties. As requested by the man himself, to walk the isle with the groom, we left no stone unturned to appear fit and primed for the event. But thanks to Dimapur traffic or whatever or whosoever, we put the blame on, we were late at the church. And by the time we arrived at the church, our bachelor was already a half married man. An incident very right out of Hollywood leaflet, HANGOVER.

All that had been spent was, all for nothing, but Meren would understand, the feeling and the emotions we have for him. And wished him a happy married life and a warm welcome to family man club.

This is all too less to have a climax to end like this, especially, when all adventurous Old-young friends meet again, we sneaked out right after the wedding lunch to Dimapur City Tower on Wati’s office Bolero. Right on our way back, SUV broke down and we had to push Govt. of Nagaland vehicle, right at the heart of Dimapur, City Tower.

Decorated officers/engineers dedicated to push a Govt of Nagaland, Bolero at City Tower, Dimapur.

And guess who had to push this Govt of Nagaland SUV, decorated officers, such as, AEE PWD Govt. of Meghalaya, AEE Water Resources Dept. Govt of Orissa, an Engineer who had come all the way from Dubai. And to make it more interesting, they were all well suited and booted.

An embarrassment but definitely an adventure in Nagaland worth remembering. And thanks to good friends Bibhuti, Jamsey, Bunty, Ati and Meren, for this adventurous memories- definitely looking forward for more adventure with you guys in future. And this adventure had been made possible because of Wati, a man with a big heart- I, will remember and cherish meeting him and his family in his palatial palace.

And there’s a saying, “You are never too old for an adventure”.